Harpo Park, an innovative sculptor and experiential artist, has made significant contributions to integrating GPT technologies into the realms of art and design. Through his initiative at Nothing Bird Studio, Park has established a virtual art studio that not only focuses on traditional materials like ceramics, glass, and wood but also extensively explores the potentials of 3D art combined with generative AI technologies .

Park’s work extends into educational realms where he leads courses on the capabilities and applications of ChatGPT, aiming to impart knowledge about AI’s potential in creative processes. This includes teaching students to develop conversational agents and explore natural language generation, thereby pushing the boundaries of how art intersects with technology .

In his project, “3D + GPT = Scale {V},” Park delves into how 3D art and generative AI can converge to create scalable solutions and innovative forms of expression. His dedication to blending artistic creativity with technological innovation is evident in his various projects that also address social justice themes and the exploration of AI in architectural concepts .

Park’s commitment to social justice and community engagement is also reflected in his studio’s offerings and his publications, where he discusses topics ranging from AI in design to broader societal implications . His work, both as an artist and an educator, demonstrates a profound engagement with both the aesthetic and functional aspects of art and technology, making him a pioneering figure in this evolving field.